
  • Jurnal Apokalupsis

    Jurnal Apokalupsis ith numbers ISSN 2087-619X (print), ISSN 2747-285X (online) published by the Harvest Tangerang International Theological College. The purpose of publishing this journal is to publish the results of scientific studies and research in the fields of Theology, Christian Religious Education and Ecclesiastical Music.

    Articles submitted must have never been or are not in the process of being published in another journal. Submitted articles must comply with the writing instructions or format that has been determined. Articles that do not meet the requirements will be rejected at an early stage by the editor without further processing at the review stage. Articles that meet the requirements will be assessed for suitability by reviewers through a double blind peer-review process.

    The Apokalupsis journal is published twice a year, in June and December.


    Journal Description

    Journal title  : Jurnal Apokalupsis
    Initials  : Apokalupsis
    Frequency  : 2 issues per year (June, December)
    Prefiks DOI  : 10.52849 crossref3 
    Online ISSN  : 2747-285X
    Editor In Chief  : Nurmalia Pardede [Scopus_type_logo]
    Publisher  : STTIH Tangerang